Becoming an entrepreneur is not a simple task, you have to "Be STRONG, Be PREPARED and Be READY" to face situations on the way of your entrepreneurial journey.
You have to READY to face objections from your parents, from your friends, from your well wishers and others.
You have to READY to face discouragement, because all your friends have good jobs with very good salary, few have new homes, few went other countries and earning 6 figure salaries..and so on, they have so many reasons to discourage you.
I know you are ready to face all those discouragements and those are nothing for you, but there are some situations when someone close to your heart is not confident on you and when they express their feeling in any form, its hard for anyone and its the situation where you lose your hope, so it's the situation where you have to be STRONG and you have to be PREPARED and be READY.
Always remember becoming an entrepreneur is not a simple task.
In such situations I always remember one sentence from the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness"
You Got a Dream.. You Gotta Protect It.
People Can't Do Something Themselves, Then Wanna Tell You, You Can't Do It., IF YOU WANT SOMETHING., GO GET IT..
from the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness"